Residual Waste Contract

Published: 01/07/2024

Deadline: 01/08/2024

Deadline: Expired

Status: Closed

Location of contract: London

Value of contract: £830,000,000

The buyer: East London Waste Authority


East London Waste Authority (ELWA) is seeking to procure residual waste treatment services for Contract Waste delivered to the Contractor by the Authority.
The service requirements will be divided into three separate contract Lots, which will be based on an exclusivity percentage of ELWA’s Contract Waste, as follows:
Lot 1: Contract Waste: Exclusivity - 45% (circa. 148,950 tonnes per annum)
Lot 2: Contract Waste: Exclusivity - 30% (circa. 99,300 tonnes per annum)
Lot 3: Contract Waste: Exclusivity - 25% (circa. 82,750 tonnes per annum)
Applicants may apply for one, two or three Lots. The Authority will apply the selection criteria outlined in the procurement documents to limit the number of applicants taken through to the dialogue stage.
Bidders should note that, should they submit a Tender for more than one Lot, they must be able to deliver the Services in relation to each such Lot for which they are successful. Bidders should confirm, if submitting a Tender for more than one Lot, that it can deliver all of the relevant Services and tonnage in relation to all such Lots.
Although the Authority intends to conduct a staged procedure, it does not intend to reduce the number of bidders down during the dialogue stage by applying the award criteria.

ELWA was established on 1 January 1986 as a statutory joint waste disposal authority. It is responsible for the treatment and disposal of Local Authority Collected Waste collected by (or on behalf of) the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge (“the Constituent Councils”). This Residual Waste Contract is being procured to ensure Contract Waste is treated and disposed of through the most economic and sustainable solutions.
The successful contractor(s) will ensure Contract Waste is treated in accordance with the tendered proposals.
The lotted exclusivity percentage of 45% is a split of ELWA’s combined total residual waste.
The Contractor will be paid a monthly payment for the quantities of Contract Waste processed, minus any performance deductions.
ELWA’s existing sites at Jenkins Lane and Frog Island will be made available on a non-mandatory basis for the delivery of waste reception and transfer services. The operation of these facilities is not included in this contract and will be procured under a separate contract.

Bidders may propose their own reception and transfer point as part of their submission for each Lot. Bidders may provide a maximum of one reception and transfer point within the local area to accept Contract Waste directly.

Bidders may only propose a maximum of two Contractor Treatment Sites and must allocate an annual percentage of the awarded Lot size into each facility. The Authority will dialogue on any such split to consider any related logistical issues at the Authority Delivery Points, for instance to avoid partial loads.
The existing services are currently outsourced, and TUPE may apply.

ELWA was established on 1 January 1986 as a statutory joint waste disposal authority. It is responsible for the treatment and disposal of Local Authority Collected Waste collected by (or on behalf of) the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge (“the Constituent Councils”). This Residual Waste Contract is being procured to ensure Contract Waste is treated and disposed of through the most economic and sustainable solutions.
The successful contractor(s) will ensure Contract Waste is treated in accordance with the tendered proposals.
The lotted exclusivity percentage of 30% is a split of ELWA’s combined total residual waste.
The Contractor will be paid a monthly payment for the quantities of Contract Waste processed, minus any performance deductions.
ELWA’s existing sites at Jenkins Lane and Frog Island will be made available on a non-mandatory basis for the delivery of waste reception and transfer services. The operation of these facilities is not included in this contract and will be procured under a separate contract.

Bidders may propose their own reception and transfer point as part of their submission for each Lot. Bidders may provide a maximum of one reception and transfer point within the local area to accept Contract Waste directly.

Bidders may only propose a maximum of two treatment sites and allocate a percentage of the awarded Lot size into each facility. The minimum permissible allocation to such a facility shall be 20%.
The existing services are currently outsourced, and TUPE may apply.

ELWA was established on 1 January 1986 as a statutory joint waste disposal authority. It is responsible for the treatment and disposal of Local Authority Collected Waste collected by (or on behalf of) the London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge (“the Constituent Councils”). This Residual Waste Contract is being procured to ensure Contract Waste is treated and disposed of through the most economic and sustainable solutions.
The successful contractor(s) will ensure Contract Waste is treated in accordance with the tendered proposals.
The lotted exclusivity percentage of 25% is a split of ELWA’s combined total residual waste.
The Contractor will be paid a monthly payment for the quantities of Contract Waste processed, minus any performance deductions.
ELWA’s existing sites at Jenkins Lane and Frog Island will be made available on a non-mandatory basis for the delivery of waste reception and transfer services. The operation of these facilities is not included in this contract and will be procured under a separate contract.
Bidders may propose their own reception and transfer point as part of their submission for each Lot. Bidders may provide a maximum of one reception and transfer point within the local area to accept Contract Waste directly.
Bidders may only propose a maximum of two treatment sites and allocate a percentage of the awarded Lot size into each facility. The minimum permissible allocation to such a facility shall be 20%.
The existing services are currently outsourced, and TUPE may apply.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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