Recruitment Tenders & Contracts

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Recruitment tenders

Recruitment Tenders

Recruitment contracts added hourly to the Complete Tenders directory. Recruitment contracts are UK wide and cover sub categories such as Social Services Recruitment, Supply of Temporary Workers and HR & Payroll Services.

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Adult Skills DPS

Deadline: 3312 days

Published: 05/10/2023

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Yorkshire and The Humber

Recruitment services

Deadline: 2450 days

Published: 06/06/2023

Flagship Housing Group

Any region

Recruitment services

Deadline: 2450 days

Published: 06/06/2023

Flagship Housing Group

Any region

Hampshire County Council and Kent Commercial Services t/a Connect2Hampshire - (C2H)

Any region

Dynamic Purchasing System for Supply of Temporary Workers

Deadline: 143 days

Published: 07/02/2023

Opus People Solutions Ltd

Any region

Aberdeen City Council


Employability Services

Deadline: 630 days

Published: 27/09/2022

Scotland Excel


Apprenticeship Training Providers

Deadline: 369 days

Published: 07/09/2021

IT Recruitment Services Dynamic Purchasing System

Deadline: 157 days

Published: 13/02/2020

Manchester Metropolitan University

North West

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