Property Transformation Programme – Workplace Services Management
Published: 04/12/2024
Deadline: 17/01/2025
Deadline: Expired
Status: Closed
Sector: Housing & Real Estate
Location of contract: North East,North West,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,South East,South West,Wales,Scotland
Value of contract: £340,000,000
The buyer: Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) wishes to award a contract for the provision of Workplace Services Management (WSM) as part of the Property Transformation Programme (PTP).
The Workplace Services Management (WSM) Contractor is a new role that will support the MoJ to effectively monitor and report on the delivery of services across the Buyer Premises. The WSM will ensure that the Property Directorate has the required functions and capabilities in place to support the commencement of services under the new total facilities management (TFM) contract(s) from October 2026 (see further II.2.4 below).
Workplace Services Management will be a managed service that provides the following key capabilities:
Integrated Digital System and management of a Common Data Environment
Performance Management, Analysis and Reporting
Innovation, technology and data
Workplace Support Services
Assurance and Compliance
Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery
Asset Management
Sustainability and Social Value
Projects and Project Management
PTP (of which Workplace Services Management is part) is planning to transform FM across the full HMPPS estate, which includes Prison, Probation and HMPPS Premises. PTP may also be rolled out to any other MoJ estate, including potentially HMCTS estate in future. The role of the WSM Contractor will therefore be required to support any and all such estate. The Authority intends to award the WSM Contract in November 2025, with an expectation of an In Service Date of July 2026. These dates are indicative.
The Authority reserves the right to award the Contract on the basis of the initial tender, without any negotiation. The Authority does not intend to hold negotiations as part of this Procurement, but the Authority reserves the right to negotiate if, in its sole discretion, it considers this necessary. See also the procurement documents regarding the Authority's right to hold clarificatory meetings.
This Procurement will be managed electronically via the Authority's eSourcing Portal (AWARD). To participate in this Procurement, potential suppliers must: Email: providing the email contact details of two people per potential supplier. MoJ will issue a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) via Adobe Sign for the potential supplier to sign. Once the NDA is signed by both the potential supplier and the Authority, AWARD user accounts will be created for the email addresses provided. Each potential supplier is limited to only two (2) AWARD user accounts. Potential suppliers who were involved in the WSM pre-tender market engagement (PTME) (advertised through the notice at IV.2.1) may have already signed an NDA (this was required to access draft procurement documents). Those potential suppliers will not be required to sign a further NDA as that NDA will apply also to the WSM Procurement. For any new users login details will be forwarded from AWARD® via e-mail. To access the AWARD® system, a user will need to read and accept the terms and conditions for the usage of AWARD®, and confirm the same. For all queries relating to AWARD® user accounts, including login, access issues and the overall functionality and operation of AWARD®, please refer to the AWARD® website at:; this web link will enable you to obtain online help with the application and provide you with current helpdesk contacts. To manage the new supplier landscape, the MoJ is implementing a Win Restriction relevant to the Contracts to be awarded for TFM, and the WSM Contract which is the subject of this contract notice. The Win Restriction is that a Bidder cannot be awarded any of the TFM Contracts where it has been awarded the WSM Contract. The MoJ considers there would be an operational conflict of interest if the same supplier was appointed to be both WSM Contractor and a TFM Contractor. MoJ does not consider that this issue is capable of being addressed through a compliance regime such as ethical walls or physical separation of teams, as that does not address the fundamental point that it would be inappropriate for the WSM Contractor to carry out a supervisory, monitoring and/or assurance function over itself. The MoJ considers that this would also be the case if a WSM Contractor were carrying out a supervisory, monitoring and/or assurance function over: (a) Another part of its company group (if that other part of its company group were appointed as a TFM Contractor); or (b) A TFM Contractor which relies within its supply chain on the WSM Contractor to deliver a material part of a TFM Contract. As the WSM Contract will be awarded first, before any TFM Contract(s) is awarded, the Win Restriction will be applied, to the extent that it is engaged, in the TFM Procurement. The Authority is not liable for any costs incurred by potential suppliers in responding to this Procurement including in the event the Procurement is abandoned or varied. The Authority reserves the right (with no liability) to: cancel the Procurement at any stage and for any reason; amend the terms and procedures for the Procurement; suspend the Procurement; rewind the Procurement to an earlier stage or point; not award a contract as a result of the Procurement; and/or procure the Contract by other means.
The estimated value of the WSM Contract as mentioned at II.2.6 is the Estimated Total Contract Value as referred to in the procurement documents. Detail on the estimated Annual Spend and Estimated Total Contract Value is included in the procurement documents. The Authority has held pre-tender market engagement (PTME) in respect of the WSM Contract. PTME materials will be made available to all potential suppliers who wish to participate in this WSM Procurement. The inclusion of Scotland at II.2.3 is in relation to potential future service provision over the term of the contract, e.g. if the MoJ were to exercise the option in relation to HMCTS estate.
The WSM Procurement is for a national client-side partner who will enhance MoJ capabilities. The WSM Contractor will also provide a digital solution to integrate the data from the supply chain and provide the data to MoJ. The WSM Contractor will work closely with MoJ to develop the digital architecture and the development of data flows across the supply chain. The current, integrator/in house, FM supplier and MoJ model will be replaced by a new operating model comprising WSM, TFM and the MoJ for the delivery and management of FM services and related activities.
The intended five TFM contracts will be competed and procured under a separate procurement exercise under Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework RM6232 Facilities Management and Workplace Services. The TFM procurements are due to be launched on 4th December 2024.
Further information pertaining to the WSM Contract and the PTP of which the WSM Contract is part is contained within the procurement documentation. Additional information: MoJ is using AWARD® for on-line electronic interaction for the Procurement. All communications linked with the Procurement, including Clarification Questions, will be sent through and recorded by AWARD® All SQ Responses must be uploaded through AWARD by the SQ Response submission deadline. For further detail please refer to the procurement documents.
Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.
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