Platform Validator and Field Equipment Agreement
Published: 19/02/2025
Deadline: 24/04/2025
Deadline: 27 days
Status: Open
Sector: Equipment & Machinery
Location of contract: North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,Wales
Value of contract: £30,000,000
The buyer: Transport for Greater Manchester
Platform Validator and Field Equipment agreement with respect to the supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Platform Validators and other Field Equipment infrastructure that shall enable TfGM Ticketing Schemes and products.
Interested suppliers must obtain a Invitation to Tender by registering an expression of interest for the opportunity entitled ‘Platform Validator and Field Equipment Agreement’ on the eTendering application ProContract via
Any submissions that are not submitted by the ProContract eTendering tool will be disqualified.
Contract to be governed by English Law.
TfGM expressly reserves the right:
1) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by the publication of this notice;
2) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition;
3) to amend (a) contract(s) in respect of any part(s) of the services covered by this notice; and
4) to award contract(s) in stages and in no circumstances will TfGM be liable for any costs incurred by candidates.
Variant bids may be permissible within the parameters to be set out in the tender documentation.
An online ‘Bidders Event’ will be hosted on Microsoft Teams — Live on the 26 March 2025 and will include a short presentation on the scope and timeframe of the procurement process. Please contact in order to register an intention to attend.
Transport for Greater Manchester (“TfGM”) now wish to procure a Platform Validator and Field Equipment Service Agreement (“Agreement”) which shall enable the supply, installation and commissioning, operation and maintenance of Platform Validator and Field Equipment Devices that will read (both physical and digital) customer contactless bankcard, ITSO, NFC and Barcode media and process data in connection with Ticketing Schemes (as may be required by TfGM).
Given that over the term of the Agreement, Ticketing Schemes will be subject to frequent revision and development, deployment of Validator and Field Equipment in connection with this Agreement may be required to all potential transport and associated modes (in addition to those modes where Platform Validators and Devices are currently deployed). Consequently, Validators and Field Equipment may be deployed on (but not limited to) Tram, Light Rail, Bus, Heavy Rail, Taxi, Car-Club, Car Hire, Parking and Park and Ride, Micro mobility, Active Travel and other travel modes. Technical refresh of the current Platform Validator that has been deployed on the Metrolink Tram network will be required.
Additionally, the Place of Performance that is set out in section II.2.3 of this notice reflects a longer-term ambition of TfGM to extend Ticketing Schemes to areas that are adjacent to Greater Manchester (UKD-North West England, UKE Yorkshire and the Humber, UKF-East Midlands. UKG-West Midlands, UKL-Wales) and may or may not apply to the Agreement during the term.
In accordance with the Agreement , the Supplier shall:
- supply Platform Validators that shall;
o read customer bankcards (both physical and digital) and process contactless bankcard data compliant with Payment Card Industries Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v 4.0.1;
o enable TfGM’s contactless bankcard Pay as you Go (PAYG) Ticketing Scheme compliant with card scheme (Visa and Mastercard) Transit Model 2 scheme rules, and potentially enable the extension of TfGM’s contactless bankcard PAYG Ticketing Scheme to additional bank card schemes;
o be capable of reading ITSO media (for both digital and physical media compliant with the latest ITSO 2.1.5 standard);
o (as an Option) read two-dimensional Barcodes;
o enable Account Based Ticketing products through the use of token agnostic identification;
- Install and Commission (and if directed de-commission) Platform Validators and their supporting systems including any necessary connection to TfGM networks , civil works and testing; and
- Operate and maintain the deployed estate of Platform Validator infrastructure to comply with the required standards.
Additionally, the Platform Validator and Field Equipment Service Agreement will include the Option to supply, install, commission, operate and maintain any Field Equipment components that include a Validator and have the capability to read contactless bankcard, ITSO media, NFC media and Barcodes (such as for example Revenue Inspection Devices and Mobile Hand-Held Ticket issuing devices etc.)
Potential Supplier Solutions will work in conjunction with a Contactless Bankcard Middle and Back Office Service, Merchant Acquirer and Payment Gateway Service and ITSO Contract Service that will be appointed by TfGM.
Since TfGM already operates a highly successful contactless bankcard PAYG scheme on Metrolink and Bus, supplier consideration of the arrangements to successfully transition from existing to new services, will be a critical consideration.
Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.
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