• Open Tenders
  • Opportunities to Improve Attainment and Engage Vulnerable Children and Young People in Education

Opportunities to Improve Attainment and Engage Vulnerable Children and Young People in Education

Published: 11/05/2022

Deadline: 31/08/2025

Deadline: 190 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: West Midlands

Value of contract: £1 - £29,000,000

The buyer: Staffordshire County Council


Staffordshire County Council would like to hear from service providers who are interested and capable of delivering excellent, high quality and outcome focused education services to support and raise attainment, attendance, aspiration and engagement of vulnerable children and young people of statutory school age in education and for young people up to the age of 25 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan. To also work towards successful transition to education, employment or training post-16 at the end of Key Stage 4.

The objectives of the services are to provide a flexible response to either compliment, or provide an alternative to the teaching and learning available within mainstream and specialist provision or for children not engaged in education

The successful providers will be expected to:
• Work effectively with pupils to engage them in education and reduce gaps in attainment and progress
• Work in partnership and maintain strong links with other education providers and carers to provide individualised, holistic support for the child
• When working with children in care be able to demonstrate an understanding of attachment and trauma issues in education
• Support independent learning skills
• Provide experienced and highly skilled practitioners who can demonstrate skills and expertise in working with vulnerable pupils
• Report on progress with evidence of work completed and regular reviews which are fed back to the commissioner including the planning and evaluation of sessions delivered
• Contribute towards the evidence gathering for graduated response under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) pathway
• To include wherever possible, access to externally accredited examinations for young people
• To engage pupils newly arrived from overseas education.

Staffordshire County Council Virtual School for Looked After Children, SEND and Alternative Provision Commissioners are looking to create a Dynamic Purchasing System of providers in Staffordshire but with the ability to extend regionally in the future. This list of education provision will be primarily for the authority's own use but will offer local schools the opportunity to purchase programmes that can be run within their school or may with negotiation support Staffordshire Looked After Children educated outside of Staffordshire Local Authority boundaries. This framework will give the assurance that providers have met a stated set of standards and so will give a basic mark of quality assurance.

The tender opportunity will be undertaken through the Authority's e-tendering system Proactis https://supplierlive.proactisp2p.com. Suppliers should register onto the system by completing their details first, then registering their interest to this specific tender opportunity.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

N.B. Please be aware the dates input in the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date have been revised to enable the opportunity to remain open on Contracts Finder. The Contract Start Date was 1 August 2018 and the Contract End Date is 31 August 2025. The Closing Date is also 31 August 2025.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

Need more help?

Complete Tenders can help you find out more about this tender opportunity and navigate the next steps which sometimes involves a complex procurement procedure. Call us now on 01707 244713 if you have a question, we’d be happy to point you in the right direction!

Our team has the experience you need to help you prepare an outstanding tender. We will advise on everything you need to know about the tendering process, help with tender documents, tender response questions and preparing your final submission. We will work to your needs, forming a close understanding of your business to give you confidence and support that results in cost-effective bid management and tenders that win contracts.

More information on Contracts Finder and doing business with the government can be found HERE.

Complete Tender Coverage

Following Brexit, the new official Find a Tender system has been developed by UK Government to detail all public procurement contract opportunities expected to be over £122, 976 for Central Government or £189,330 for the remainder of the public sector e.g. NHS contracts, Local Authority contracts, Housing Association contracts. Publishing requirements for all of the public sector are in place to ensure transparency, fairness and open competition.

All UK public sector opportunities under these values, but over £10,000 for central government or over £25,000 for other public sector organisations, are still required to be published on Contracts Finder. Scotland, Wales and NI also have their own dedicated sites: Public Contracts Scotland, Sell2Wales, eSourcing NI and eTendersNI.

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