• Open Tenders
  • Open Framework for the Provision of Short Breaks Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities

Open Framework for the Provision of Short Breaks Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities

Published: 21/02/2025

Deadline: 31/03/2025

Deadline: 3 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: London

Value of contract: Not stated



The London Borough of Haringey is inviting Tenders for an open Framework Agreement for the provision of short break services for children and young people with disabilities, in accordance with the Invitation to tender documents (ITT)
The Council intends to appoint a number of providers to the open Framework Agreement in accordance with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents.
The open Framework Agreement shall be divided into six lots, namely:
• Lot 1- After School activities
• Lot 2- Weekend activities
• Lot 3- School holidays
• Lot 4- Outreach support
• Lot 5- All other short breaks
Providers may submit tenders for more than one lot. The number of Providers appointed to each Lot will depend on the number of providers who meet the evaluation criteria set out within this ITT.
The duration of the open Framework will be for four (4) years with an option to extend at the Council's discretion for a further period of up to two (2) plus two (2) years in accordance with the Terms an Conditions of the Framework Agreement.
The framework may be re-opened at the sole discretion of the Council on a 12-month basis during the contract period which will allow for new providers (not originally party to the Framework Agreement) to join the open framework.
This Procurement is for social care services. The Council is carrying out the process in accordance with the 'Light Touch Regime' under Reg 74 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015, as amended (PCR15) and will follow the open procedure.
Any award of further contracts will be effected under the Light Touch Regime in accordance with Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Invitation to tender documents are available through the Council's e-tender portal HPCS:

After-school activities will run on weekdays during term time, for a minimum of 1 hours and maximum of 3 hours per session of service provided.
Service Providers will deliver social and leisure activities that are child-centred, enjoyable, and stimulating, as well as being appropriate to the needs of the user group.
This will include the following provision:
Age range 5-12
• a range of play and social activities which takes account of individual children's needs and desires (for example, soft play, adventure play);
• a safe and friendly environment for children and young people with disabilities to play and socialise with their peers;
Youth provisions 13 -18 years old
• skills based activities to enable children and young people with disabilities to develop and pursue their personal interests and talents including computer skills, work with animals, gardening, cooking, drama, music and sports.
• social activities which takes account of individual children's needs and desires (for example youth clubs, adventure play)
• activities which support the children and young people with

The out of school hours activities will run at weekends during term time for a minimum of 1 hours and maximum of 6 hours per weekend of service provided.
Service Providers will deliver social and leisure activities that are child-centred, enjoyable and stimulating, as well as being appropriate to the needs of the user group. This will include the following provision:
Age range 5-12 years
• a range of play and social activities which takes account of individual children's needs and desires.
• a safe and friendly environment for children and young people with disabilities to play with their peers.
• activities which support the children and young people with disabilities to develop self-esteem, confidence, independence and social interaction skills;
Youth provisions 13 -18 years old
• skills based activities to enable children and young people with disabilities to develop and pursue their personal interests and talents including computer skills, work with animals, gardening, drama, art, music and sports.
• a safe and friendly environment for young people with disabilities to socialise with their peers.
• activities which support the children and young people with disabilities to develop self-esteem, confidence.
• Activities which support young people to prepare for adulthood (for example independent living skills, money management, travel training)

Service Providers will ensure that the service is available during Easter, Summer, Christmas and half term breaks. Service Providers shall offer a minimum of 3 to 6 hours per session.
Summer holidays providers shall offer a minimum of two (2) weeks and up to four (4) weeks.
Service Providers will deliver social and leisure activities that are child-centred, enjoyable and stimulating, as well as being appropriate to the needs of the user group. This will include the following provision:
Age range 5-12 years
• a range of play and social activities which takes account of individual children's needs and desires (for example, soft play, adventure play, trips to places of interest).
• a safe and friendly environment for children and young people with disabilities to play and socialise with their peers
• activities which support the children and young people with disabilities to develop self-esteem, confidence, independence and social interaction skills (for example training to support children and young people into mainstream services);
• skills based activities to enable children and young people with disabilities to develop and pursue their personal interests and talents including computer skills, work with animals, gardening, cooking, drama, music and sports.
Youth provisions 13 -18 years old
• a range of play and social activities which takes account of individual children's needs and desires (for example trips to places of interest)
• a safe and friendly environment for children and young people with disabilities to socialise with their peers
• skills based activities to enable children and young people with disabilities to develop and pursue their personal interests and talents including computer skills, work with animals, gardening, drama, music and sports
• Activities which support young people to prepare for adulthood (for example independent living skills, money management, travel training)

Service Providers will offer personalised outreach support. The help of a support worker or personal assistant will enable disabled children and young people to access local community activities and leisure facilities (including universal services available to all children and young people).
Service Providers will offer fun and interesting experiences and other opportunities matched with the assessed needs of children and young people. The Service will offer age-appropriate support and will provide opportunities to aid the development of their independence skills.
The child or young person will be supported to take part in activities that they enjoy and want to do, which for example might include:
• Visits to children's centres, youth clubs or leisure centres.
• Visits to the cinema, museums, and theatres.
• Support to attend music provision.
• Support to attend sporting and leisure activities (such as horse riding);
• Extra support to access a mainstream service for children and young people.

This Lot is for all services that cannot be classified as afterschool, weekend, or holiday activities and cannot be classified as outreach support.
This may include, but will not be limited to, services including:
• Specific support programmes and/or training - for example, supporting children and young people into mainstream services, managing behaviour, managing sensory issues
• Transition support and training in independence skills for young people approaching the age of 18
• Sleep counselling
• Employment coaching and programmes for developing skills
Service Providers will ensure that:
• The service is available at times when families, children and young people most need support (including weekdays, evenings, weekends and holidays) and the timing of support is planned with the family.
Children, young people and their families are supported to make decisions about the support they receive, and there is strong communication and collaboration with parents / carers.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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