• Open Tenders
  • Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services

Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services

Published: 06/02/2025

Deadline: 10/03/2025

Deadline: 16 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: Any region

Value of contract: £3,500,000

The buyer: City of London Corporation


Lot 1 –
The City of London Corporation (the City) is seeking quotations for the provision of a Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Service provider. The primary aim of this contract is to provide the Corporation and associated departments with a Managed Print Service that builds upon the existing service. We are looking for a partner to initially provide a like-for-like replacement of services, and then work with us to put in place a print strategy in order to optimise the service, including reducing usage and machines. The partner will scrutinise services, recommend best practice, and deliver a more efficient print operation that includes changing behaviour across the organisation. In order to access these documents for Lot 1 an NDA can be downloaded via itt_23 and returned via the portal.
Lot 2 – Print Room Services
The City of London Corporation (the City) is seeking quotations for the provision of a Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Service provider for the Print Room, at the Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ. The primary aim of this contract is to provide the Printing department (Print Room), 5th floor West Wing, Guildhall, City of London Corporation, a Multifunctional Device service provision.
The role and main function of this department mainly consists of printing perfect bound committee agendas for the Town Clark’s department’s committee team.
Other functions include:
- Printing Payslips for the Chamberlains department of the City of London Corporation.
- Various types of print for the Election of Lord Mayor and Admission of Sheriffs ceremonies, for example: Booklets, Flyers, Cards, Ballots and Passes.
- Other print jobs upon request from other Departments across the Corporation, such as: Menu Cards for the Cook & Butler’s Kitchen, wire-bound booklets and posters (up to SRA3 size).
Bidders can bid for multiple lots and the same bidder can win multiple lots.

This tendering exercise is being undertaken using the electronic tendering system ‘Jaggaer’ (https://cityoflondon.ukp.app.jaggaer.com). Suppliers will need to register an interest on the system in order to participate and registration is free.
The estimated value given at II.2.6) is for the full duration of the contract including the maximum possible extensions. The estimated annual contract value is therefore £3,500,000.
Participants should register as a supplier on the portal using the aforementioned URL/link (if not already), then search for the opportunity titled using the Reference number stated below.
The procurement is being run as a one stage process under the open procedure and therefore, if your organisation would like to participate in this tender exercise, it can by completing and returning the Qualification Envelope and the Invitation To Tender documents which can be found on the City's e-procurement portal at: www.capitalesourcing.com with the Reference number: prj_28 or itt_22/itt_23_itt_24.
Organisations must submit their completed Qualification Envelope and Invitation to Tender documents, via the system by the return deadline in order to participate and registration is free. Qualification Envelopes and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents cannot be uploaded after the return deadline.
The contracting authority will not be held accountable for any errors made by an organisation in submitting their applicable Qualification Envelopes and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents.
The contracting authority reserves the right at any time to vary the timescales in this notice, cease the procurement process and not award the agreement or to award only part of the opportunity described in this notice. If the contracting authority takes up any of these rights then it will not be responsible for, or pay the expenses or losses, which may be incurred by any candidate or tenderer as a result. Economic operators are solely responsible for their costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of their tender submissions and all stages throughout the procurement. Under no circumstances will the contracting authority be liable for costs or expense borne by the economic operators.
The procurement process that will apply to the requirement is specified in the procurement documents accordingly.

Lot 1 - Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services:
The Digital Information & Technology Services (DITS) Team are looking to procure a managed print provider. The Corporation’s current Managed Print service contract ends in Aug 2024. This contract covers City of London Corporation, City of London Police, Barbican, Libraries (including public printing), Schools and Print room with a print fleet of 540 devices deployed at around 34 post codes. The print volumes in many areas in the Corporation have reduced post pandemic while some have returned to pre-pandemic levels. The Project’s objective is to procure a new Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services contract to replace the current contract. In order to access these documents for Lot 1 an NDA can be downloaded via itt_23 and returned via the portal.
The initial duration of the contract is 5 years, subject to the right of the City (at its sole discretion) to exercise its right to extend the term of the contract for up to 2 years in line with the published Terms and Conditions. Therefore, the total potential duration of the contract, including extensions, is 7 years.
The City reserves the right to vary the term of the contract further in line with the published Terms and Conditions.
Please note that the contract value is up to £475,517 per annum in line with the published Tender Documents and the published Terms & Conditions. Additional information: Please note that the contract value is up to £475,517 per annum and the value advertised is the total potential value for both the initial term and any subsequent terms, in line with the published Tender Documents and the published Terms & Conditions.

Lot 2 - Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services (Print Room):
The City of London Corporation (the City) is seeking quotations for the provision of a Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Service provider for the Print Room, at the Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ. The primary aim of this contract is to provide the Printing department (Print Room), 5th floor West Wing, Guildhall, City of London Corporation, a Multifunctional Device service provision.
The role and main function of this department mainly consists of printing perfect bound committee agendas for the Town Clark’s department’s committee team.
Other functions include:
- Printing Payslips for the Chamberlains department of the City of London Corporation.
- Various types of print for the Election of Lord Mayor and Admission of Sheriffs ceremonies, for example: Booklets, Flyers, Cards, Ballots and Passes.
- Other print jobs upon request from other Departments across the Corporation, such as: Menu Cards for the Cook & Butler’s Kitchen, wire-bound booklets and posters (up to SRA3 size). Additional information: Please note that the contract value is up to £24,484 per annum and the value advertised is the total potential value for both the initial term and any subsequent terms, in line with the published Tender Documents and the published Terms & Conditions.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

Need more help?

Complete Tenders can help you find out more about this tender opportunity and navigate the next steps which sometimes involves a complex procurement procedure. Call us now on 01707 244713 if you have a question, we’d be happy to point you in the right direction!

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More information on Contracts Finder and doing business with the government can be found HERE.

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Following Brexit, the new official Find a Tender system has been developed by UK Government to detail all public procurement contract opportunities expected to be over £122, 976 for Central Government or £189,330 for the remainder of the public sector e.g. NHS contracts, Local Authority contracts, Housing Association contracts. Publishing requirements for all of the public sector are in place to ensure transparency, fairness and open competition.

All UK public sector opportunities under these values, but over £10,000 for central government or over £25,000 for other public sector organisations, are still required to be published on Contracts Finder. Scotland, Wales and NI also have their own dedicated sites: Public Contracts Scotland, Sell2Wales, eSourcing NI and eTendersNI.

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