Mental Health Recovery

Published: 27/01/2023

Deadline: 08/05/2028

Deadline: 1203 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: Any region

Value of contract: £20,000,000

The buyer: Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council


The Council is seeking applications from experienced providers with the capability and capacity to deliver community mental health care and support in Rotherham.

A review of current mental health care and support provision in Rotherham indicates the need to improve the community service model to one which offers mental health recovery support personalised social care, with increased choice and control for people living with mental ill-health.

This new care and support model has been co-produced in partnership with people accessing services and their supporting professionals to inform the service design.
Such services will support people to achieve independent living skills, move towards, and sustain, independent living in the communities in which they live.

Aiming to harness the opportunities which exist in the wider care and support market, this Mental Health Recovery Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) will increase choice and improve outcomes for people living with mental ill-health in Rotherham.

Applicants can read the Cabinet Paper dated 17th October 2022 Commissioning Mental Health Recovery Focused Community Services - Rotherham Council which sought the approval for the procurement process to establish this FPS and procure a range of community services which reflect the principles of mental health recovery model.

The FPS will comprise of a number of separate Lots. Each Lot will specify a community service (i.e., supported living accommodation-based services, day opportunities) with the principle of mental health recovery at its core.

The contract end date specified is provided as an indication only , the system can continue beyond the 5 years as per the rules and subject to cabinet approval.

Applicants are advised that the indicative spend activity to be generated via the system is in the region of £4m per annum, there is no new funding for developing the initiatives proposed. The cost associated with this Flexible Purchasing System will be met within existing budgets currently set at £5.7m (2022-2023).

Applicants are required to register with the Social Value Portal and commit to delivering Social Value additionality via all contracts awarded via the system.

Full details regarding the application process are contained within the application documentation which can be downloaded free of charge via YORtender and by searching for project ID 60316

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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