Emergency Response Equipment and Associated Services Framework Agreement Renewal - Supplier Expressions of Interest
Published: 20/11/2024
Deadline: 20/02/2025
Deadline: 31 days
Status: Open
Sector: Equipment & Machinery, Safety & Protection
Location of contract: West Midlands
Value of contract: £45,000,000
The buyer: West Midlands Fire & Rescue
West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority (The Authority) are seeking expressions of interest from suppliers for an upcoming opportunity to provide Emergency Response Equipment and Associated Services to the Fire Sector, other Bluelight organisations as well as other UK Government Departments.
UK Fire and Rescue Services have a duty to provide suitable equipment to safeguard the safety and health of its employees and public whilst carrying out firefighting and other duties from risks that cannot otherwise be controlled. It is, therefore, essential that Emergency Response and related equipment provided to operational personnel is fit for purpose, meets operational needs and is compatible with existing protective equipment and meets or exceeds appropriate published BS/EN standards for quality and performance. Fire Services operate training in accordance with the procedures detailed in National Operational Guidance (N.O.G).
Emergency Response Equipment shall be capable of operating at all Fire and Rescue Service operational incidents and in a multiplicity of environments and be operated in accordance with the Guidance. Rescue Equipment shall allow personnel to carry out their role during Fire and Rescue Service operations.
In addition, Some Emergency Response Equipment may be used in the training environment, where it could be repeatedly subjected to high temperatures and prolonged usage, including use in confined spaces and fire behavioural training scenarios. The Emergency Response Equipment shall be sufficiently robust to withstand such usage.
This will be the second iteration of this Framework as the current version has run successfully for almost four years. The multi-Lot/ supplier Framework has been utilised by over 30 UK Fire and Rescue Services and Bluelight organisations with a spend to date of £5.6 million. The current Framework expires 31 July 2025, and it is the intention of the Authority to procure and award a new Framework in time for the expiry date.
The Framework would be let for four years, however with the introduction of the Procurement Act 2023 in February 2025 there is also the potential to make this an Open Framework for up to eight years, with the option of Direct Award or further competition.
It is anticipated that the tender would be issued before the end of March 2025, and the Framework awarded by June 2025. These dates are indicative and subject to change.
The current Framework has the following Lot structure,
Lot 1: Rescue Equipment (heavy rescue tools battery powered and hydraulic, stabilisation equipment, lifting equipment e.g. air bags)
Lot 2: Fluid Transfer (hose, pumps, branches, hose reels, hose testing, ground monitors)
Lot 3: UHPL & Misting Equipment
Lot 4: Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans & Smoke Curtains
Lot 5: Thermal Imaging Cameras
Subject to feedback from the Sector it is anticipated that Lot 3 - UHPL & Misting Equipment maybe removed from the next Framework ...
Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.
Please reply to expression on interest form that can be located here: https://forms.office.com/e/HiTpU5f7pp by 8 January 2025
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
What to look for
All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:
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