Electrical Sundries
Published: 26/11/2024
Deadline: 06/01/2025
Deadline: 16 days
Status: Open
Sector: Electrical
Location of contract: Scotland
Value of contract: £14,000,000
The buyer: APUC Limited
The Authority is seeking Contractor(s) for the provision of electrical sundries products for all HE/FE institutions.
The Authority are seeking to obtain, through this tendering process, price normalisation for all Institutions - regardless of size and demand.
The Authority is seeking to appoint 4 contractors to this Framework Agreement.
Form of Tender
Tenderers must sign Form of Tender - Appendix A prior to award to confirm that their Tender Response is a complete, true and accurate submission.
Freedom of Information
Please confirm that you will be in a position to complete, prior to award, Appendix B - Freedom of Information(if applicable) in the Technical Questionnaire. This information should only be submitted if applicable at point of award. It is for information only and will not be scored.
Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct
The Authority has developed a Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct- Appendix D which sets out its expected standards for its supply chain in social, ethical and environmental compliance. Tenderers must complete the Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct prior to award to assist in achieving its objectives.
List Of Institutions
Tenderers must complete and return Appendix E - List of Institutions to confirm their ability to service the required coverage levels. Tenderers must be able to provide delivery services to 75% of institutions listed in Appendix E - List of Institutions.
Prompt Payment
Tenderers must confirm that payment of subcontractors at all stages of the supply chain will be made within a maximum of 30 days and that this will be managed. It is for information only and will not be scored but is a requirement of this tender and will be included in the contractual terms.
Serious Organised Crime
Please complete “Appendix H – Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime” in the Technical Questionnaire. Tenderers must complete the Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime. It is for information only and will not be scored but it is a requirement of this tender and will be included in the assessment of tender responses and in contractual terms.
Human Trafficking & Labour Exploitation
Please complete “Appendix I – Declaration of Non-Involvement in Human Trafficking & Labour Exploitation” in the Technical Questionnaire. Tenderers must complete the Declaration of Non-Involvement in Human Trafficking & labour Exploitation. It is for information only and will not be scored but it is a requirement of this tender and will be included in the assessment of tender responses and in contractual terms.
SCM Responsible Procurement Supply Chain Evaluation Tool: Section 1
Please complete “Appendix J – SCM Responsible Procurement Supply Chain Evaluation Tool: Section 1” in the Technical Questionnaire. Tenderers must complete the SCM Responsible Procurement Supply Chain Evaluation Tool: Section 1. It is for information only and will not be scored but is a requirement of this tender and will be included in the contractual terms.
Living Wage Status
Please provide details on your position on the Real Living Wage. This information should be submitted in the Technical envelope in PCS-T. It is for information only and will not be scored.
The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 28072. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343
The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason:
The nature of this Framework Agreement does not align to the requirement to include a sub-contract clause
Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: https://www.gov.scot/policies/public-sector-procurement/community-benefits-in-procurement/
A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:
The Contractor will work with the Authority to deliver Community Benefits or social value where they are identifiable throughout the term of the Framework Agreement. Examples of Community Benefits or social value are: providing training opportunities to staff and students and investment in the local community.
(SC Ref:783285)
The Authority is seeking to appoint contactors capable of providing an extensive range of electrical sundries products to the Higher Education(HE) and Further Education(FE) institutions of Scotland and other organisations as detailed at https://www.apuc-scot.ac.uk/?#!/members
Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015
Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.
Follow UpWhat to look for
All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:
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More information on Contracts Finder and doing business with the government can be found HERE.
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Following Brexit, the new official Find a Tender system has been developed by UK Government to detail all public procurement contract opportunities expected to be over £122, 976 for Central Government or £189,330 for the remainder of the public sector e.g. NHS contracts, Local Authority contracts, Housing Association contracts. Publishing requirements for all of the public sector are in place to ensure transparency, fairness and open competition.
All UK public sector opportunities under these values, but over £10,000 for central government or over £25,000 for other public sector organisations, are still required to be published on Contracts Finder. Scotland, Wales and NI also have their own dedicated sites: Public Contracts Scotland, Sell2Wales, eSourcing NI and eTendersNI.
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