• Open Tenders
  • Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Adult's and Children's Home Care Services for Milton Keynes City Council

Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Adult's and Children's Home Care Services for Milton Keynes City Council

Published: 22/10/2024

Deadline: 08/12/2029

Deadline: 1775 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: South East

Value of contract: £135,366,000

The buyer: Milton Keynes City Council


Milton Keynes City Council Council is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") via www.sproc.net for the provision of Home Care Services for both Adults and Children within Milton Keynes. The Council is conducting the procurement via the "Light Touch Regime" as set out in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).
The Dynamic purchasing system will be split into 2 lots, lot 1 will be for Adult Home Care Services and Lot 2 will be for Children's Home Care Services.
To apply to join the Home Care DPS please follow the below link:
Home Care is the provision of person centred, personal care, enabling care and/or other services that are necessary to maintain a Service User's quality of life, enabling them to remain living in their own home and achieve their specified outcomes. Home Care is not about doing things for people in a way that increases dependency, but about supporting people to do things for themselves as far as they are able.
The Service will achieve a primary objective of enabling people in the Milton Keynes community to remain living at home for as long as possible and maintaining an excellent quality of life which meets the Service User's identified outcomes.
Home Care services will be available 365 (366 in leap years) days a year between the core hours of 6.30am and 10.30pm. Providers are required to confirm their flexibility
of timing outside of these core hours to reflect a person centred approach to the provision of night support services.
During the enrolment stage (via the DPS), provider will have an opportunity to select their core hours and flexible hours (overnight). The Council will collaborate with the Provider to ensure continuity of care and that the needs of the Service User are met.

This lot is for Domiciliary Home Care Services for Adults
Milton Keynes Council has adopted the UNISON's Ethical Care Charter and is committed to abide by its recommendations. The over-riding objective is to establish a minimum baseline for the safety, quality, and dignity of care by ensuring employment conditions which
a) do not routinely short-change Service Users and
b) ensure the recruitment and retention of a more stable
workforce through more sustainable pay, conditions, and training levels.
The core hour time allocated to visits will match the needs of the Service Users. For avoidance of doubt, 15-minute visits will not be used under the core hours as they undermine the dignity of the Service Users and are not recommended by the UNISON Ethical Care Charter.
This service is for those residents who have been assessed as eligible for support from adult social care following an assessment under legislation Section 9 of the Care Act 2014
This specification describes the key features of the service and the outcomes required and should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
The service will offer planned and emergency visits during the core hours between 6.30am and 10.30pm, 7 days a week including all bank holidays and flexible hours between 10.30pm and 6.30am.
It is imperative that Service Users are at the heart of adult health and social care activities receiving services that are easy to access, of excellent quality and that maximise their ability to live independently and safely in their home and community.
In ensuring that the services provide seamless excellent quality Home Care provision the Council and Providers will be committed to working together in partnership through:
Ensuring that Service Users and Carers engage in the development, delivery and monitoring of the service provided and are able to contribute views in relation to how the delivery of the service is achieving individual outcomes.
Developing close links with the GPs, local community, families, carers, and all health and social care professionals within the area
Having a shared vision about the community and individual outcomes which can be achieved through the provision of a superior quality Home Care Service
Collaborating for the benefit of Service Users
Communicating honestly, openly, regularly, and efficiently
Sharing relevant information, expertise, and plans
Seeking to avoid conflict but where it arises ensuring that it is resolved quickly, efficiently, and professionally at a local level with no detriment to the Service User
Monitoring quality and performance, quickly identifying and taking firm and timely remedial action where necessary.
Striving for continuous improvement, reflecting new learning as it
emerges and working together to ensure that available resources are maximised to achieve the best outcomes for individuals and the local community.
Ensuring that provider complies with current legislative requirements of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Recognising that during the period of the contract there are likely to be changes in service requirements at a national and local level, which will need to be responded to in a professional, flexible, and responsive manner, ensuring outcomes are maintained and best use made of resources available.
Home Care is the provision of person centred, personal care, enabling care and/or other services that are necessary to maintain a Service User's quality of life, enabling them to remain living in their own home and achieve their specified outcomes. Home Care is not about doing things for people in a way that increases dependency, but about supporting people to do things for themselves as far as they are able.
The Service will achieve a primary objective of enabling people in the Milton Keynes community to remain living at home for as long as possible and maintaining an excellent quality of life which meets the Service User's identified outcomes.
Home Care services will be available 365 (366 in leap years) days a year between the core hours of 6.30am and 10.30pm. Providers are required to confirm their flexibility
of timing outside of these core hours to reflect a person centred approach to the provision of night support services.
During the enrolment stage (via the DPS), provider will have an opportunity to select their core hours and flexible hours (overnight). The Council will collaborate with the Provider to ensure continuity of care and that the needs of the Service User are met.

This lot is for Domiciliary Home Care Services for Adults
The service is for children and young people with profound and significant learning and/or physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses who have been assessed as a child in need, as set out in the Children Act 1989, the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 and the Children and Families Act 2014. It will provide children and young people and their parents/carers with support that is personalised to meet their individual needs and range from providing personal care in the home to support in accessing community and leisure opportunities.
Children and young people and their parents/carers are at the heart of the assessment and will require services that are easy to access, of excellent quality and that maximises their ability to live independently and safely in their home and community.
Milton Keynes Council has adopted the UNISON Ethical Care Charter and is committed to abide by its recommendations. UNISON's evidence, along with that of other bodies such as the UKHA (United Kingdom Homecare Association), shows that working conditions are intrinsically bound up with the quality of care.
The over-riding objective is to establish a minimum baseline for the safety, quality, and dignity of care by ensuring employment conditions which:
• do not routinely short-change clients; and
• ensures the recruitment and retention of a more stable workforce through more sustainable pay, conditions, and training levels.
The service will offer planned and emergency visits during the core hours between 6:30am and 10:30pm, 7 days a week including all bank holidays and flexible hours between 10.30pm and 6.30am.The time allocated to individual visits will match the needs of the clients. In a few instances the visits required will be short (up to half an hour) and in others, long (between two and four hours). The majority of visits, however, will be between one and two hours in duration.
This specification describes the key features of the service and the outcomes required and should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of the contract.
In ensuring that the Service provides seamless superior quality (Domiciliary) Home Care provision, Milton Keynes Council and Providers will be committed to working together in partnership through:
Ensuring that children and young people and their parents/carers engage in the development, delivery and monitoring of the service provided and are able to contribute views in relation to how the delivery of the service is achieving individual and community outcomes.
Developing close links with the local community, families, carers, and all health and social care professionals within the area
Having a shared vision about the community and individual outcomes which can be achieved through the provision of an excellent quality (Domiciliary) Home Care service.
Collaborating for the benefit of children and young people and their parents/carers
Communicating honestly, openly, regularly, and efficiently
Sharing relevant information, expertise, and plans
Seeking to avoid conflict but where it arises ensuring that it is resolved quickly, efficiently, and professionally at a local level with no detriment to the child or young person or their parents/carers.
Monitoring performance, quickly identifying when performance is not satisfactory and taking firm and timely remedial action.
Striving for continuous improvement, reflecting new learning as it emerges and working together to ensure that available resources are maximised to achieve the best outcomes for individuals and the local community.
Ensuring that provider complies with current legislative requirements of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Recognising that during the period of the contract there are likely to be changes in service requirements at a national and local level, which will need to be responded to in a professional, flexible, and responsive manner, ensuring outcomes are maintained and best use made of resources available.
Home Care is the provision of person centred, personal care, enabling care and/or other services that are necessary to maintain a Service User's quality of life, enabling them to remain living in their own home and achieve their specified outcomes. Home Care is not about doing things for people in a way that increases dependency, but about supporting people to do things for themselves as far as they are able.
The Service will achieve a primary objective of enabling people in the Milton Keynes community to remain living at home for as long as possible and maintaining an excellent quality of life which meets the Service User's identified outcomes.
Home Care services will be available 365 (366 in leap years) days a year between the core hours of 6.30am and 10.30pm. Providers are required to confirm their flexibility
of timing outside of these core hours to reflect a person centred approach to the provision of night support services.
During the enrolment stage (via the DPS), provider will have an opportunity to select their core hours and flexible hours (overnight). The Council will collaborate with the Provider to ensure continuity of care and that the needs of the Service User are met.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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