• Open Tenders
  • Design Print and Related Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the London Borough of Camden

Design Print and Related Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the London Borough of Camden

Published: 23/12/2022

Deadline: 21/01/2029

Deadline: 1395 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: London

Value of contract: £2,440,000

The buyer: London Borough of Camden


The London Borough of Camden will procure all its Design, Print and Related Services requirements using this Dynamic Purchasing System contract. The services that will be required will be divided into 12 lots. The London Borough of Camden will act as the main purchasing organisation, however the authority may share service delivery with other public sector bodies in the UK.

This category includes printing and delivery of materials including posters, leaflets, booklets or brochures, flyers, stationery, NCR forms and high-volume copying, on any of the following: SRA1/B1, SRA2/B2 or SRA3/B3 sheet fed litho presses, web-offset presses, digital presses.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• A4 / A5 / 99 x 210mm brochures, leaflets or flyers
• A4/A3/A2/A1 posters
• Oversize A4 / A5 pocket folders
• Forms, NCR pads, headed paper, compliment slips, business cards, envelopes, receipt books
• Magazines and newsletters
• Documents, council meeting papers and agendas*, reports.
*Where printed materials are subject to statutory timing requiring same-day or 24-hour turnaround, the selection criteria will include the supplier’s proximity to the buying authority and speed of delivery service offered.
Suppliers shall ensure printed products supplied under the Framework meet the mandatory minimum standards set out by the Government buying Standards.

This category covers preparing mailings for delivery by Royal Mail and other delivery providers.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• Personalisation and mailing – e.g., printing, collating and match-mailing varying documents, personalised letter(s) and printed reply envelopes and stuffing in envelopes. Apply mail-sort order and bag to royal-mail requirements to attract optimal postal discounts, and post using required class using buyer’s royal-mail account.
• Hybrid mailing and same-day mailing for including letters, statements, bills, inserts and any other correspondence. Personalise, collage, pack and apply mail-sort order and bag to royal-mail requirements to attract optimal postal discounts, and post using required class, using supplier or buyer’s Royal-Mail account as specified for each requirement.

This category covers the production of large posters, signage and display boards.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• A2 – A0 size 4 colour inkjets onto satin photo paper 170gsm mounted on 3mm – 5mm Foamex board.
• Large format display stands.
• Signage, lamp-post banners, outdoor advertising and livery
• Pop up’/’Pull up’ display stands
• Large and small format vinyl print and affixing, including PVC banners printed 4-colour, hemming and eye-letting, for indoor and outdoor use
• ‘Six-sheet’ (1750mm x 1185mm) and bespoke (3250mm x 1200mm) posters

This category covers all secure and confidential printing for the Council and its partners.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• Council Tax and Revenues and Benefits printed business correspondence
• Parking stationery e.g., parking permits/discs, such as a PCN Rolls, Parking Scratch Cards (including latex one side & overprint black wording on latex and numbering)
• Confidential service reports, confidential statement of cases (investigation into staff), Surveyors reports for planning, Democratic – agendas, audits, Cabinet reports
• Legal correspondence
• Payslips and P60s (including personalisation, fulfilment and mailing
• Cheque printing
Where printed materials are subject to statutory timing requiring same-day or 24hour turnaround, the selection criteria will include the supplier’s proximity to the buying authority and speed of delivery service offered.

This category covers items such as (but not limited to):
• Tote bags
• T-shirts
• Bespoke pens
• Bespoke pencils
• Mugs
• Sports drinking bottles
• USB sticks
• Stickers
• Binders,
• ID Badges
• Flexo printing, etc.

This category spans from concept designs for large campaigns to creative design and simple artwork following a style guide, and includes illustration, imagery, photo editing, and associated creative services – for print and new media.
Creative concepts should be appropriate for the audience and intended channel, support the campaign’s key messages and for its intended output and must strictly adhere to the buying authority’s corporate identity standards.
All artwork must be produced and submitted using the latest software.
All copyright of design and content created must be signed over to the commissioning authority on commencement of work.
All concepts and final drafts must be provided to the buyer for approval prior to completion.
Examples include (but are not limited to):
• Concepts for campaigns, branding and/or individual items
• Design for advertising, print and/or digital media
• Illustration, image search and image manipulation
• Artwork in appropriate format for print, online, social media or digital media
• Creation of templates for branded materials, presentations, advertisements or banner pages
• Updating previous artwork with new concept.
Editable artwork files and images must be provided together with the final artwork or production files on completion of each order.

This category will involve copywriting for a diverse range of subject matter normally covered in local authority. The content maybe promotional, factual or technical. It also covers sub-editing and proof-reading services for any briefings, documents, online materials as well as design or artwork produced.

Note: We want to use this LOT as an approved list of suppliers to share with communications team but not always raise PO via Panacea only for Creative services work. Communication team orders would be raised through Camden official ordering system only.
This Lot covers relevant photography projects for any given requirement. This category includes photography, photographic editing and production services for editorial, advertising, technical, promotional or marketing applications.
Suppliers may be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before undertaking work with children and young people and will need to abide by the buying authority's consent policy and protocol.
Suppliers will be required to submit photography electronically to the buyer directly onto the Design, Print and Related Services DPS ("DPS Portal") for approval before finalisation.
Suppliers must ensure they adhered to GDPR legislation when taking photographs of individuals or property by using the buying authority's consent form.
Suppliers must request the consent form from the buyer if it is not appended to an order for these services.
All copyright of content created and photographed is to be assigned to the buying authority.
The Supplier must notify the buyer in advance of any chargeable travel expenses and such expenses can only be paid where agreement to do so is confirmed on an approved order sent to the supplier via the DPS Portal OR Camden official ordering system only.

This category covers the provision of technical services and/or content for all areas of digital communications.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• E-newsletters and email marketing
• Web application and/or web content development and creative input
• E-brochures (using Flash/Java/HTML 5 technology)
• Social Media marketing including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
• Google ads
• Interactive pdfs
• Search engine optimisation
• Mobile marketing
• Page-turn software
• Viral Videos
• iAd
NB: The Design element of this work is covered in Lot 6.

Note: We want to use this LOT as an approved list of suppliers to share with communications team but not always raise PO via Panacea only for Creative services work.
Communication team orders would be raised through Camden official ordering system only.
This Lot covers relevant filming projects for any given requirement. This category includes filming, videography and film editing and production services for editorial, advertising, technical, promotional or marketing applications.
Suppliers may be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before undertaking work with children and young people and will need to abide by the buying authority's consent policy and protocol.
Suppliers will be required to submit this work electronically to the buyer directly onto the Design, Print and Related Services DPS ("DPS Portal") for approval before finalisation.
Suppliers must ensure they adhered to GDPR legislation when filming individuals or property by using the buying authority's consent form.
Suppliers must request the consent form from the buyer if it is not appended to an order for these services. All copyright of content created and filmed is to be assigned to the buying authority.
The Supplier must notify the buyer in advance of any chargeable travel expenses and such expenses can only be paid where agreement to do so is confirmed on an approved order sent to the supplier via the DPS Portal OR Camden official ordering system only.

This category covers distribution of a residents’ magazine and other brochures or printed materials, to local residents and businesses within a specified area or postcode(s). This category includes the delivery of either unaddressed items or addressed items.
Examples include (but not limited to):
• Door-to-door distribution – e.g., 98,000 residential addresses x 1 preprinted magazine
• Distribution to specific areas for housing - e.g., a pack containing multiple printed items (letter, brochure, translation sheets)

This category also covers Electoral and Electoral Registration printing in accordance with the Electoral Commissions guidelines and procedures, it may include postage.
The supplier must have a proven track record of delivery Election and Election Registration print.
Postal packs may have to be produced at printers within a specified distance of the buying authority's offices to facilitate their required Quality Assurance Testing.
The requirements of electoral print include (but are not restricted to):
• Postal vote mailings including outgoing envelope, ballot paper, postal vote statement, ballot paper envelope, return envelope, spares and samples.
• Polling Station Ballet Papers
• Large format ballot papers
• Election Annual Canvas
The contractor must ensure that all confidential and sensitive material to be stored within a secure environment.
Additional security requirements, quality assurance (e.g., site visits), timing, and data protection requirements and winning supplier selection criteria may be specified by the buying authority for work falling within this Lot.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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