• Open Tenders


Published: 17/02/2025

Deadline: 09/04/2025

Deadline: 12 days

Status: Open

Sector: Installation

Location of contract: North West

Value of contract: £60,000,000



This contract is for a strategic partnership and for the installation, maintenance, and operation of electric vehicle chargepoints across the borough utilising LEVI funding.
To access this competition, please visit www.the-chest.org.uk, project ID DN751956.
Further details of the Authority's requirements are contained in this Contract Notice at section II.2.4.
This Contract Notice is published to advertise to organisations wishing to enter into a concession contract with the Authority for A STRATEGIC PARTNER TO DELIVER CHESHIRE EAST'S LOCAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE (LEVI) PROJECT. The Authority is conducting this procurement under the
Concession Contract Regulations 2016 (the "2016 Regulations").
The deadline for clarifications to be submitted to the portal is 12 noon (12:00pm) on 27th March 2025. The Authority is seeking responses to this call for competition in advance of the deadline of 12 noon (12:00 pm), on the 9th April 2025. Applicants who do
not submit a response to this call for competition by 12 noon (12:00 pm), on the 9th April 2025 will not be eligible to participate in this procurement.

In order to participate, providers must register, complete and upload completed documentation and submit this via the Chest at the link provided in this notice. The project reference on The Chest is DN751956. The values given in this notice are only estimations the Council gives no guarantee or warranty or makes any representation as to the accuracy of any indicative values. Estimates have been used to calculate the contract value and the methodology behind this should be reviewed by prospective bidders when ascertaining the potential size of the contract.
The Council reserves the right not to award the opportunity.
In accordance with the application process of the LEVI Capital Fund, final contracts and the commercial offer from unsuccessful bids will be submitted, in their entirety and unredacted, to the Department for Transport and the LEVI Support Body for review prior to signature. The contract will be submitted for review before any legally binding commitments are made, and no such commitments shall be made until the Department for Transport confirms it has reviewed the contract.
The Department for Transport may analyse information collected through this process to inform future policy development. Commercially sensitive information will not be shared beyond the Department for Transport and the LEVI Support Body.
All Tenderers will be expected to meet all mandatory criteria set out in the tender documents, and any contract award and distribution of funding will be subject to the approval of OZEV.

The contracting authority is following a process similar to an Open procurement process, under the Concession Contract Regulations 2016. The rules applicable to the procurement process are as set out in the procurement documents which are available at www.the-chest.org.uk.
The chargepoints shall comply with the minimum specification set out in the LEVI Technical Schedule1. In addition to supplying and installing the chargepoints, the successful Charge Point Operator (CPO) shall be required to undertake groundworks and installation, operation and maintenance, and back-office administration, and liaison with CEC and relevant third parties.
Because of the power output of the chargepoints it is expected that they will provide AC current to charging vehicles, although a range or solutions that are right for the location in which they are installed should be available and some DC charging may be required.
We expect the successful supplier CPO to be able to provide a range of solutions to suit different settings in the urban environment, which could include pedestals and flush-fitting solutions. Partnerships to deliver this are acceptable/ welcomed.
The available LEVI grant funding for delivery of this project is £2,132,000. It is expected that the funding will predominantly be used to fund grid connections.
The LEVI grant funding is for charging devices rated lower than 22kW. CECs preference is that most chargepoints will deliver between 7kW and 22kW from each connection. Lower ratings than this will be accepted in some circumstances but are less preferable because they will be less suited to charging during the day, but may be required at some sites, particularly on-street. Some DC chargepoints may also be acceptable subject to a business case for the recommendation. Full details of CECs requirements are set out in the procurement documents.
The contract value is an estimate only based on the available LEVI funding (£2,132,000) and potential revenue over a 15 year period. Please see the tender documents for a breakdown of the assumptions used noting that these assumptions are estimates only and the contract value may vary. The successful CPO is expected to invest its own funds in the delivery of the services which may have an impact on the value of the contract. These figures are best estimates only and may be subject to change in line with supplier investment, EV uptake and in line with future market trends, tariffs, number of locations and sockets etc. All organisations submitting a tender are expected to undertake their own due diligence when ascertaining the size of the contract and its potential value. Please note the current contract value excludes VAT. Additional information: This procurement exercise will be conducted on Cheshire East Borough Council's electronic Contract and Tender Management System at the www.the-chest.org.uk. Organisations wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and provide additional required information and a complete tender response through the Contract and Tender Management System.
If you have any technical problems with The Contract and Tender Management System please contact the help-desk on: ProcontractSuppliers@proactis.com or 0330 005 0352.

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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